Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Questions, Peace.

Pray, I have lots of questions that I need the Lord to direct me with. Where to go, what to do, my feelings, life. ETC.!

Peace, I need it. I am lots of turmoil today. LOTS. I just need His peace.


Leaning on the Beloved said...

do not do anything until you have peace... Remember Jesus delights in directing your paths so until he directs wait upon him, Patience is a "fruit of the Spirit." If we feel the need to make an impulsive decision we better wait, God leads, and does not drive....Love You Bogoni's

Tam said...

Wait on the Lord! He will give you direction. He cares about every single decision you will need to make. Just wait!

Bekka said...

Hey want to be cheerful!! I luv that dress Kasey it is soooo pretty on you. I wish I could pull off a pretty feminine dress or even a skirt, but I can't. Hmmph. And yes I believe our creative project will win too! Hope this puts you on a brighter note. If it don't, I am sorry for wasting your time. Hey, hope all of us can hang out more this week, seeing as how this is probably our last week here. :( So sad. Unless you are sick of us that is. Hmm, hope not, then we won't be able to hang with Michael as much!! LOL. JK. Hee, again hope this is a bright note.

Bekka said...

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