Friday, July 20, 2007


I am ready for a new one...the pink is starting to get to me. I need to change it something else, yet I don't like spending the time to actually do that. It took me months to get up the go to'ness to create this one then by the time I was done I was soo happy. Now, I want to change it, yet I don't have the determination yet. Any volunteers.

Becki- I am horrible and said I was sending your fry sauce, but haven't yet. *sigh* I am bad.

Today is proving to be a bit better. I got one dream about him last night, woo hoo! I have a sinus headache and feel like I am getting sick. I have had some symptoms but just little ones...I know mom, ECHINACEA. Just haven't done it yet. Tonight I want to do something, yet I wanna stay home because I need to weed eat and clean the house a bit. I also need to grocery shop again. I want to buy a house too, but I can't do that. I need to wait until I am not acting out of grief. And I don't know where I would buy one at. My life...needs direction. Waiting on the map quest from Jesus though, in the mean time I will just sit down and enjoy the ride.

I love you Damon, and I miss you.

peace homies


Rachel said...

Glad you're feeling better in one way this morning! I'm assuming it was a good dream?

Sorry you're feeling the sickies coming on! Zinc is good for that too with the echinacea.

Keep looking to Jesus, he will give you the answers you need, just keep being patient! You've got a LOT of people praying for you that way.

Love ya girl.

Kasey said...

mmhmm! So what are the plans for tonight, since I know you already miss me. :)

Rachel said...

I dunno, I'll have to get back with ya on that one.