Tuesday, July 10, 2007


I feel like screaming at the top of my lungs! I MISS him. I miss my husband horribly. I want him back. It was his time to meet Jesus, I know, but I still miss him and I still want him back. I don't like being without him. I am lonely.
I WILL get through this and it will only be God that does get me through it. My feelings, He understands them all, and He cares, AND He can handle them. I don't feel theres anything wrong with missing and wanting Damon back. I am not mad at God. I know it was Damon's appointed time, but that doesnt make the hurt go away or me not want him back.

Pray for me and about my job. I got some news that has really upset me today. Currently I am only working part time, just until I can get back on my feet so to say. Well, I already work for two people. I am a secretary to the Math and Science coordinators (one for each subject) for Metro Schools. They decide the curriculum etc.. (I think anyway) for all of metro's 74,000 students, etc.. Well as you can imagine I have been busy enough in the past where I was really pretty stressed. They have restructured my department and I found out today that they are putting another boss over me. So now I will be working for three different departments. The bad thing is, my cubicle neighbor is my new bosses soon to be former secretary and I have seen how she has treated my cube neighbor and the stress. I don't WANT to work for her, let alone have someone else added to me. I dont know what to do. This really really makes me unhappy. I talked to Damon about it before vacation and I really can't remember what he said, except he probably would have said something like "well, just see what happens". I know Damon has worked for people that he really didn't want to, he pressed on. Part of me wants to say this is a door shut, another part wants to say, be a witness to this woman. Not that I am some great person, but if damon's death as taught me one thing, its that Heaven and Heaven alone are the only major gains in life and really all that matters. If we miss Heaven, we miss it all.

If you all would PLEASE pray. I just feel lonely and sad. I don't mean to be a downer on my blog, but I really just need the Lord to uplift me. I need some friends to come over or something.


Erika J. said...

praying now...

Anonymous said...

I'm praying for you, the Lord knows everything he has a plan for you just wait and see.

Anonymous said...

I love you cousin. You are in our thoughts and prayers here. Call if you need anything. Love you so much!

Kasey said...

Cool! Hi Rissa! I didn't know you have been reading regularly. Love you too.

Rachel said...

See Kasey! Told you people were reading. :-)

Katie said...

Kasey Baby, you know how you said that Damon didn't realize the lives he has touched? You too have touched many lives that you are even un-aware of....you have helped so many people just since Damon's promotion, by sharing your feelings, by witnessing about God and reminding everyone that reads...that there truly is a hell to avoid and a heaven to gain....some how take comfort in knowing that as you blog, as you go through the daily motions of this life that is now, that you are a walking talking minister for our King of Kings and our Lord of Lords...for whatever reason that the Lord had to promote Damon, HE too has a plan for you. He will see you through and in the process of helping you on a minute by minute basis, you are helping others see your humaness and your love of our mighty creator......what a witness in this time of loss and triumph....AMEN...I love you and lots of people love you and are praying for you....you hang on....there is glory at the end of this dark tunnel....PRAISE THE LORD.....