Sunday, July 29, 2007

Sunday Morning

Lets just say mini golf with 8 people takes a REALLY long time. There were 4 of us that got a hole in one last night. Me, Morgan, Michael, and Chandler. I think Chandler won though, not really sure. We had a fun time but I wish we had gotten home earlier. :( I have to teach (want to teach) Sunday School and I feel bad because I haven't studied as I need to. Its for the little ones but I like to put some more time into it and prayer. Anyway, today is volleyball/soccer with the youth. I will do volleyball, but I have NEVER been a soccer person. We shall see. bye, pray for me, hard night last night.


cokelady said...

I'm the same way--I always feel crummy when I haven't put as much thought, time, and prayer into something as I ought to. Even if it is "just" for the kids.

I'm so glad that you're keeping so busy, Kasey. So many people just kind of crawl into a hole and hide after a loss like yours. That can't be healthy. It makes me happy to know that you're doing all you can to try to carry on with your life and give God a chance to start healing you inside.

Hey, check out this site:

James found it for me a week or two ago and I thought you might like it, too. ;-)

Bekka said...

hey kasey, wish I could of been there! Oh and I didn't mean anything by my comment, just wanted to make sure, i am not really sure what you are actually thinking about most times. Just pre-cautionary. LOL :-)