Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Two Nephews and Walmart

My favorite little man came over last night, that would be the mini me of Damon...NOAH! And Michael too. Except Michael had one main topic of conversation for the night, and I don't think I need to tell you all what it is for you to guess. BEKKA BEKKA BEKKA! Goodness. He wants to get you more flowers by the way, but I didn't know if that would be okay or not (with the fam) who knows. You might get some you might not. :) Guess I need to call Rachel about this.

Anyway, they helped me grocery shop. I think I need to take Michael more often, he pushes my cart for me and Noah is our entertainment, makes shopping somewhat fun. I am not a big shopper. I don't even like malls. YUCK. I dunno why, I don't really like chocolate either. Hmm, I am not your typical gal I guess. I bought some roses for Damon too. 18 red ones. I miss him.

I guess I don't have much to write about these days. Michael will have internet this weekend at his house. Since my laptop is down and out at the moment, the only internet connection I have is at work and if I go to a friends. I could go to the Library too, just haven't done that yet.

Life is soooo uncertain. *sigh* I don't know where my pathway is taking me, Lord shine Your light please. I say that sincerely too, I really want to know HIS will for my life. I need to reserve a room for assembly, but then I need to figure out when I am going for a visit to Idaho. I dont know what to do.


Tammy Washburn said...

I saw you said you "weren't too popular" on Vic's blog. So I'm posting on here to let you know we love you. We have praying for you and have requested prayer for you at our church.

I knew Damon some before ya'll got married and when I heard you sing at the Assembly and realized that you were his wife, I told him..."Wow Damon, you've really have a beautiful wife! You did GOOD boy!". He smiled and completely agreed :)

I haven't posted sooner because although we knew each other, I wasn't sure if you knew me well enough to want me to comment on your blog. :)

But, I just wanted to let you know that your blog has touched my heart and has made me stop and appreciate more the time with my spouse.

I can see how God is working in your life every day and see what good friends you have.

We'll keep praying for you and all your decisions.

With love,
Tammy Washburn