Wednesday, July 11, 2007


I slept fairly well last night, and my cat wasn't even bad. I left him in the house with me instead of putting him in the laundry room and he only meowed a little bit. I am hoping he is getting used to being inside. I got up before my alarm and now I need to get ready for work. I know that I need to be thankful for a job, however I am just dreading going in today. PLEASE pray for this situation. I don't even want to go in with the news I received yesterday.

I posted on Damon's memorial page today.
I am hoping to have a guest book option at some point so that it's a bit easier to comment.

I miss Damon today, like always I guess. Some days are harder than others, and sometimes it is moments. I have so many questions as to why and so on. I am not blaming the Lord, sometimes it just feels so unfair. I know that God will bring this time about for my good, someday. I just have to remember how God blessed me with Damon even though it was for a short time. He was truly a wonderful amazing man that changed my life for the better.

Have a good day.


Rachel said...

Woke up this morning and prayed for you as soon as I opened my eyes. I hope that things went well with the job situation today.

Waiting to hear the news...

Rebekah Doran said...

Glad to hear that you slept fairly well. How was work today?