Monday, July 30, 2007

Last Night, Today...and VBS. Oh and the weekend too.

Last night was a hard night for me. I wanted to go home...yet I felt REALLY lonely when I got there. So, after making a pizza and reading my book and drinking a jones 9:30ish PM I went to walmart to buy something. Anything. Mainly, I was looking for the hair stuff I used at Morgans Sunday morning. I REALLY liked it and it did a good job on my hair. Wouldn't you know it, they didn't have it. It is Aveeno something. I normally don't buy aveeno, but this stuff WORKED. I check the isles THREE times, nope nada zilch. So...oh and I know I can't buy the pain away, I am aware I need to be careful about filling myself with "thing" to make me feel better. I pray I ALWAYS stay that way. Wouldn't you know it though...I go fully prepared to buy stuff and my mother and husband are still inside of me and I am too cheap to buy anything. That wasn't an insult, actually now that I am older and wiser, I think it is smart to be cheap or shall I say...thrifty. I bought a shirt, some face wash stuff, body wash stuff (that I used at morgans that smelled GOOOD), a pair of shoes and a few other things. I found a few things, but not much. Funny how when you want to find something, you can't and when you DON'T want to...there is a STORE full of things you could see yourself having. *sigh*

I find myself feeling depressed from time to time lately, and jealous. I know..I need to get over it...just pray for me.

I let Morgan Fox AND Chandler Fox drive my car. I don't know how wise I am, but they both did good. I think I freaked Cha out a bit though, he was just kinda close to a ford's bumper in the drive through and I was freaking. No scrapes though. I think I might have really been praying at some point. Not that he isn't a good driver, I guess it's different when I am in the back seat. I don't worry. But when I am up front and see everything...shew.

Mini Golf was really fun and I had a good time. At some points I think I am gone too much and staying toooo busy. But, what am I to do. It's like I want to go home and relax, then I get there and after a half hour I am ready to go again.

I am soo excited about VBS tonight. A week long distraction and hopefully more than that. I really want to press into the Lord and what He has for me and everyone else. YES I am looking forward to the fun and games, but my soul is looking forward to resting in my Saviours arms and relaxing. I just need Him to hold me. I am team leader for one of the extreme challenge things. I am against two other teams...all I can say is. Put on your game face...yall are going DOWN. muwaahahahahha

Today, well, I am at work. I want to buy a Toby Mac CD. Oh and good news, I get to pick up my Cd's of all my data from the hard drive today. WOOHOO, thank you for praying. I am so glad that stuff is safe!



Rachel said...

I am sooo glad that everything was OK with your pictures! YAY!

I LOVE Toby Mac. Some of his songs are just too much for me, but he has several that I LOVE! "Made to Love", "Irene", "Burn For You"...

Matthew and Bekah had fun playing V-ball with you yesterday. You were being such a good sport at their pitifulness playing. :-)

Erika J. said...

oooooooo, glad you were able to save your stuff. i've lost stuff before and man, it's a killer.

Kasey said...

I didn't think I was a good sport about it. I mean I wasn't rude, but I guess...i dunno, it was just a weird day for me. emotionally. sort of...who knows. I am weird.

Bekka said...

You were a good sport, and yeah we did have a good time, even though I hate sports in general. I am just no good at them, but I am really good at badmintin, of course that isnt really hard, is it? well, hope you have fun at vbs.

Anonymous said...

Remember to count your blessings that you had the opportunity to be married; and that your husband was loving and blessed your life in so many ways. There are countless women who never have the chance to experience it at all. Count your blessings for what you've had, and what you have - glorious memories ~