Tuesday, July 03, 2007


I miss my husband. I had a dream about him last night, but it wasn't bad. Wouldn't mind if I had more dreams of him that were good. :) I love him and I want him back. I guess that won't happen though so I am keeping him alive in my memory and heart. I wish I could touch his face just one more time. I must wait until heaven to see him again, and though seeing him in heaven wouldn't be as monumental as it would be here on earth (because we will be more focused on God) I am still sooooo looking forward to seeing his beautiful face. Damon is the most amazing man I will ever know. I am so grateful for that, although I would like it more if he was here. I say that a lot, but it's true. I know he is in heaven, but I would still rather him be here until we could make it TOGETHER. Like in the Rapture or something. :)Then I could have and hold him everyday.

Pray for Tammy, she has a really bad headache/migraine. I am the only one up at the moment. Aside from the dogs. Morgans ear is really hurting so she is still in bed.

Andy mowed my lawn for me yesterday, and I had to go to Wal-Mart *sigh* to get the oil changed. Damon always did that for me. One time he even helped me so I changed the oil myself (with a lot of his help of course). I was so proud of myself. I wish I had helped him more so I would know how to do it today. I got a bunch of pictures developed last night. I got some frames and need to get a few more. One of them, he looks sooooooooo good (he looks good in all of them, but this one is like he's giving me a model stare or something, wowza). I could kiss the picture, but I don't want to mess it up. I hope that is alright to say that. :)

Pray for me, for the familys. Mom said dad is still taking it very hard. Not that we all aren't, but he needs the Lord. So does Damon's dad. Pray for them all to give their hearts to the Lord. That is what Damon would have wanted.