Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Fruit Tea

Has anyone ever had it. I am not talking about the mango teas by snapple or fruit flavored green tea's. Its like they literally mix regular tea with pineapple and orange juice. Or something like that. Its from Calypso Cafe, some jamaican inspired place. Anyway, it isn't as good as the Lunchbox's but it is pretty good. I had their calypso nachos...and I was SO hungry. I had eaten a granola bar and it was 12 and I was ready to eat, well...the nachos didn't hit the spot. I barely ate a 1/3 of them and threw them away. I dunno why. Just didnt fit my appetite today. *sigh* I am feeling bothered too...again, I dunno why. I just want to make it to Heaven. That is all I care about, and my family and Damon's making it too. What is WRONG WITH ME!


Tam said...

I have told you a million times, NOTHING is wrong with you. Every feeling, emotion, thought, is O.K. Stop being so hard on yourself. God understands it all even if you don't and that is all that matters. Just talk to Him. I love you!!

wemmies said...

Nice MEEZ! It is totally you! LOL!

cokelady said...

I agree--there is nothing wrong with you. All of your mixed up emotions are proof of one thing alone: you're human. That's just what God made you to be! Just keep on being a human who loves and trusts God, and He'll keep on being the God who loves and directs you. :-) Hang in there!

Just wanted to stop by and tell you that we're still thinking of you and praying for you.


Tam said...

thanks bunches for adding the it!!