Monday, July 16, 2007


They are mean. I understand they have to obey the law, that is fine, but you could treat people with some care. They knew my husband had died, they knew I was trying to take care of things...yet they were inconsiderate and acted like it was a chore to help me. Makes me upset. You know, why, why can people NOT be nice? I know why, they need Jesus. I didn't go in there rude, I simply asked for some help. Although I will say it was very hard to continue to be nice when he acted that way. I tried though and probably could have done better. I just don't know the line of not letting someone treat you poorly and being mean. I don't wanna be walked on, but feel like if I say something then I am being rude. Sigh. Just pray for me, this stuff is hard enough...let alone all of this mess.


Erika J. said...

it's possible to be firm without being rude. you should've asked to speak with someone over him.

Unknown said...

I have to agree, you can be firm with out being rude. Don't let people walk over you. I think if you have not go back to the bank and talk to the branch manager.

Anonymous said...

Most people are so kind and considerate in a situation like this that when I run across one who isn't, it's such a slap in the face. I go into situations expecting the other people to be nice, to treat me the way I would treat them. I guess it's easier for people who are more cynical, who expect others to be mean. I don't know. I still expect the best, and still get really hurt when I don't get it.
I know you're praying for the mean people. That's what I do. Gives me a constructive emotion to feel.

Anonymous said...

never expect justice in this world~
- but never fail to give it.