Sunday, July 08, 2007


I miss my husband. A lot. I found some old cards from him today, they warmed my heart yet reminded me of how easy it is to take life for granted. I just always thought I would have him right there with me. I never thought I would be without him in this life. Don't take your loved ones for granted, whether its your mom or dad, your brother or sister, or even your spouse. You never know what could happen. I know that it was Damon's appointed time to meet the Lord, yet I still miss him and God knows that. God knew before I ever met Damon, that one day we would be married and so deeply in love, and that three years, two months and 30 days after we became man and wife, that Damon would beat me to heaven. He knew the strength I would/do need to make it each day without the love of my life. I never knew before my sweet Damon, that you could ever love one person so much. I love him so much it hurts. The pain I have sometimes is awful. I guess I am scared that everyone will forget. I am going to have to live without him, day in and day out. I don't like that, but I choose to live and live for Damon and I's Savior, because I want to make it to heaven. I want to see my beloved's face again someday. Honestly, I wish this wasn't the plan for my life. I don't like it, I really don't. Yet who am I to tell God, ummm your plan is wrong. God knows the end from the begining. I just want to make it. Love n prayers, Damons Girl


connie said...

I've been reading your blog and praying for you. You're so right. Who are we to tell God that His plan is wrong. He is the all wise, all knowing God. He can see the whole picture while we can only see the here and now and past.
God knows why you are "alone" now. He knows why my Bekah is on bed rest with 4 little kids running the house. Jacob is no doubt wondering why me, Lord? when he has to be mom AND dad for the next month. But God knows His plan that He is trying to work out in their lives.
They also probably wonder why, God, whenever they have another blessing coming so close to the last one (babies). But God knows His plan.
I wondered why when my husband left me for another. I still had 3 children to raise. That was hard, but God has been my husband now for 5 years. And it wasn't but 5 months after he left when God brought my 4 nieces and nephew to be foster children for 7 months. That made me mother 7 children for 7 months. I couldn't have done that is he was still with me. God knew His plan and that they needed me and my 3 boys. God always knows what He is doing, and it is beautiful when we get through it.
Praise the Lord!
Fasten your seat belt and get ready for the ride of your life with God!

Vicki Smith said...

Sister Kasey, when my mother and father-in-law both died instantly in a car crash one of the hardest things for us to deal with was the suddeness of their death--no time to say Good-bye. When a loved one dies of a disease that has slowly weakened them and the inevitable is in view, there's time to prepare for the separation. But God gives AMAZING grace to us just when we need it. I've come to realize that the harder the trial, the closer I feel to the Lord as long as I lean on Him and trust in Him and WAIT on Him. Those first weeks and months after my in-law's death are a blurr and I don't remember much, but I DO remember feeling the Lord's arms around me and His sweet presence. You mentioned the song, "Wish You Were Here." That song was sung at their funeral. It was SO appropriate. They're "having a great time" up there in heaven--my in-laws and your Damon--and I wish we were there with them. The sooner the better! Meanwhile, I want to be faithful and obedient to the Lord. I just want you to know I'm still praying for you and the whole family.

Rachel said...

There is no way we could EVER EVER forget Damon. He was one of the brightest spots in our lives.