Friday, July 06, 2007


I guess I need to breakdown and buy some groceries. I am thankful that I have access to food and the means to buy it. I know there are people out there starving. I just am so used to cooking for him. I didnt really cook before I got married, except on holidays. I liked to cook and was a good cook, I just ate out or whatever mom or dad had made. But I can't keep eating out for the rest of my life, a its not healthy, and b it is getting expensive. I need to go to the store today to get some copies of photos made and buy some flowers to take to his grave, so I will go grocery shopping then. I also need to pick the cat up at the vet. He had an abscess in his paw. I wish he would stop fighting. I also need to get ready for state convention. I am so excited to turn in Damons mission offering that he had been working on. I can't really remember my dreams to well, I know I had some. I got the opportunity to talk to Damons dad last night. I believe he is softening before the Lord, so pray for him. His name is Richard. Pray for my dad too, I can see a difference in him as well. I miss Damon, and I wish he was here. I love that man and always will, I say it a lot, but he is my hero. My example. I am so very proud of him.