Friday, August 10, 2007


I officially have no plans, so if you me. :) I'm desperate. Helps me be happy if I stay busy.


Michael said...

Sorry that I havn't been commenting like I should.I should probably watch myself on how much attention I give to one person.I hope I am not wrong on how much attention I have gave Bekka. I know I am not used to being liked this much from a girl. Usually they hate me and don't tell me they do until am really attached. And it seems like Bekka actually likes me.So I guess what I am trying to say is I am sorry if I have been wrong about something I know I am not very good at this flirting thing.I guess its just that since I've figured out she liked me I been trying to keep her liking me.I am surprised she isn't already tired of me. I feel like I have gotten carried away with this. And every time I figure out she likes me more I guess I kinda feel a little too special.I hate being stupid and I want to learn on how to be likable. I hope you are not mad at me for spending time with other people when you want me. I am so so so so so so so sorry and I hope you will forgive me. I hope this is even making sense I know it doesn't seem like it. Man, I am soo retarded!!!

Bekka said...

Grr at you. >:( *frustration* You ARE cool so shut up. LOL. But its sweet anyways, and Kasey, sorry we've been stealing him from ya, but you can have him back now. :)