Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Icky Chicky

I used that phrase a long time ago and Damon liked it, so I thought I would use it again. I don't know if you gathered from the title, but I am SICK. YUCK. My throat hurts, I have drainage, and my ears are plugged. Not to be gross but I am spitting all the time from all this drainage...or using a tissue. Whichever is easier at the moment. I woke up feeling like I couldn't breathe. I dunno, seems like since Damon died I have been freaked out from time to time about not being able to breathe. Fear is from the enemy, but just please pray for me about that.

I worked out again last night, lifted weights till my arms ached and then did my treadmill. I even did incline, I shaved about 4 minutes off my time and I was pretty proud of myself. Thank You Jesus! He is helping me with will power to do this. I am sure of it. I had forgotten what got me into my weight loss groove when I worked out. I don't so much look at minutes as acheiving a distance goal. That is what it is all about for me is making my distance goal regardless of minutes. After I reach the distance I want I cool down for a minute or so.

I got new hairspray because I ran out, same brand but different level...well it is making me sneeze....the smell. I hope I remember this next time I need hairspray. The other stuff smelled better and didnt make me sneeze.

Tigger finished one of his medicines today, two more to finish and he is feeling mighty frisky! Pray for honeys side, that bump that sposed' to be operated on, it seems to move and go down then kind of get bigger. Weird. I just want Jesus to heal it, I want Damon's princess to be okay. He loved the dog, and I don't wanna lose her. She wasn't just a dog to him, he called her his daughter. Pray for this stray dog I have seen around my house...the poor thing is mid size and kind of cute and looks like it has mange :( it limps and is sort of skinny. Well...honey chased it this morning, mind you it is quadruple the size of her. I tried to call it back, but it kept running :(. I hope it finds a good home and its mange goes away.

I am sad today. I dont think I had bad dreams last night, but I keep thinking of Dollywood and that day. It may sound weird...I just wish, I wish I hadn't taken life and Damon for granted. Every day with him was a gift and I didn't even realize. Now he is gone and I will never have another day as his wife and live the joy of life of being with him. I will see him in heaven, I know this...I have to do my part to make it, but it won't be the same and at that point I won't care. I am just saying...I wish I would have realized how fragile life was, and just lived every day perfectly and not got mad over stupid things. People say its part of being human and being married, I just wouldn't have done a thing if I had known I would have only had 3 years 2 months and 30 days with the most wonderful man I will ever know. Good grief...I am crying now. Have a good day.


Rachel said...

I'm so sorry you're sick! Yucko!

Bekka said...

Indeed. Sickness is gross. Hope you get better. Though I know that I will also go thru everything that you hae mentioned as soon as fall begins and it will not end until winter is over. Grr at evil cold allergies. Grr. :D