Thursday, August 23, 2007

Miss, Miss, Miss.

I invited one of Damon's painter friends to church yesterday (I invited him to come Sunday). I haven't heard back from him. GRRRR. I am going to invite the other via email today, I think. There were two that really were on Damon's prayer list from work and so I am trying to invite them. Bro Jerry said something that stuck with me last week, he said if we knew we only had two weeks until Jesus came and we KNEW He was coming at the end of those two weeks who would we be bringing to church and what would we do to get them there. I thought of this one person that Damon has had on his prayer list, I would be begging him to come to Jesus. My family too of course, first and foremost, but for some reason this person and my dad immediately came to mind. Pray for him to come and the other guy too. They need Jesus. We all do and I just want them to be saved. I am debating on bugging the one guy yet again since I still haven't heard back from him. I dunno, I want to be wise in it all. If that makes sense. Pray for my dad and Damon's. They both have took this hard. My dad feels like he failed Damon because he couldn't help him, as he was right next to Damon the whole time up to the ride to the ambulance. He blames himself, and Richard, well he doesnt have the Lord and doesn't know how to deal with it.

I keep thinking about Damon. Two weeks ago I had a really really rough week. Last week was purty good, this week is a mix. I think about him a LOT, and miss him, yet sometimes I am happy too. It is weird. I love him still, with everything in me. He was my miracle, Damon has taught me so much. Our life together was amazing and beautiful and truly was a 3 year 2month and 30 day gift from God. Though Damon is gone, I can keep those memories and time in my heart and hopefully keep the legacy of what we had together, alive for much longer then the three years we had together.

Bellsouth gets my stinky award for the day. They have put Andy and Yvonne through the ringer and they better be getting some kind of money back for what they have done to them. It is the worst customer service and product I have seen in sooooo long. HORRIBLE. Not to be mean, but the truth.

Just a reminder, my birthday is coming up. SEPTEMBER 8TH, so remember :) I accept cash, check, or visa...JUST KIDDING!!!

Happy Birthday Wendy!


Erika J. said...

KAILEE'S Birthday is FIRST! =op

Kasey said...

Its sept. 4th right?? Dont shoot me if I am wrong.

wemmies said...


What does Andy and Yvonne have that is BellSouth? *comcast sales woman*

Kasey said...

Phone and internet. But they cant get their security suite validated so they dont want to use internet and get another virus. We have been waiting since MONDAY. They keep telling us they will call or call tomorrow, nothing works.

Erika J. said...

*gets out pistol*

It's the 3rd.

wemmies said...


*ducks away from flying bullets*

Do they have cable TV?

Anonymous said...

Please don't get hung up on trying to encourage people to attend your church if they don't want to. The Lord will work in their heart and guide them when it is time. It is not yours - or any other human's - responsibility to lead someone to the Lord. Pushing too hard can leave a very bitter impression towards you and the church in general. I have read where some have been pushed to suicide when a self-proclaimed evangelist wouldn't let off the pressure. Focus on your fellowship with God; that's where your focus should be now.

Kasey said...

Anonymous, you are right, I do not need to push to hard. But I also do not need to NOT push at all. The Bible says we are to be salt and as you know with salt, you can over salt or under salt. We are instructed to season things just right, and that is my hearts desire. My husbands greatest dream was to make it to heaven, next would be to see his family and friends saved, I am trying to carry that legacy on. I hope to be exactly what I need to be, I know if I move in the Lord that no step will be unguided or out of line.