Sunday, June 03, 2007

The Hiking Trip and Lake

These rocks might not look that big, but if you notice the two tiny people way in the back, you will understand why this was considered a moderate to extreme hike. THIS girl was TIRED!

The water was nice and cool, I was able to dangle my feeties in!

Honey and I in the lake. She didnt like the water, but was fine as long as she could sit on top of me as I floated.


Anonymous said...

LOL, Damon you made me proud, you are wearing the MPC t shirt....way to gooooooooooooooooooo...LOL..poor honey, shame on you, lol, poor honey...very much enjoyed the blessed love you both lots, more than you even realize...12 days and counting...momma

Anonymous said...

LOL, Damon you made me proud, you are wearing the MPC t shirt....way to gooooooooooooooooooo...LOL..poor honey, shame on you, lol, poor honey...very much enjoyed the blessed love you both lots, more than you even realize...12 days and counting...momma

Heather said...

Great pictures! Such beautiful scenery- looks like fun!

wemmies said...

That pic with honey is hilarious!! AND who's watching the kid hang over edge in Damon's pic?? :O

Kasey said...

Momma, I couldn't help it, Honey wanted to swim..teehehe. Jus kidding
Heather, it WAS beautiful! The water was great! Wendy, I dont think that kid was with us. There were a lot of people out there besides us. Some of them in my opinion were CRAZY. Like the kid hanging off the edge. YUCK.