Thursday, June 28, 2007

Feeling His Love

It may sound weird, but I guess I can almost feel Damon's love for me. I haven't felt this before. People have told me, you will still carry his memory with you and hold all those things in your heart. But I guess I haven't felt that way until today. I knew I was thinking about my husband, and all the love we shared, and how I would sorely miss him...but it was like I could feel the feeling of him loving me today. I found out some good news, another thing he had done, that I didn't know about that was another step to insure I would be taken care of if this ever happened. I would rather have my husband ANY day than any kind of arrangements he made to take care of me financially...but it just further shows how much Damon cared for me. I ask Jesus daily, to tell Damon I love him. It was good to get out of the house today. It seems like I do better when I am busy and surrounded by lots of people. We went to the Christian Book Store and I bought a accompaniment track, two CD's, and a book by Tammy Trent. I can't decide if I want Rachel to spend the night tonight or not. Only because I am probably gonna be calling on her after mom leaves and Brad might like his wife and daughter home for one night. I am glad my nephews had a good time at camp. I hope everyone will blog now. PUHLEASE. I still need to clean the house. I lost motivation again. I need to vacuum really bad and sweep and clean. Is anyone else having a bigger than normal invasion of ants? I don't EVER remember having as many as I have had, as I do now. I think there might have been one time they seemed to come from everywhere. So i guess I can't say I "never" remember this many. But they are everywhere! They were even in my Fridgerator! Good grief. I sprayed those little buggers. I feel bad, because ants are hard workers and work in unity and you know, they aren't ugly. But I don't like them in my food. That is just gross. I got on the scale today....I have lost a bunch of weight. That is nice...I guess. Sigh. anyway, see ya later. I love you Damon Broyles


wemmies said...

UGH!!! I know all about crazy ants! Crazy Aunts too. ;) They are coming in for water more than likey. You have to follow there trail back to where they are coming in and clear caulk the spot to keep them out. :) Someone needs to make Ant feeders like the ones for birds just so they stay outside! :P

Pam said...

I know how you feel about the ants we have had the same problem. Were still praying for you.

Rachel said...

I am telling you, you totally need to get Terro Ant Killer. It's a poison sugar syrup that you put out on pieces of cardboard and they get it and take it back to the hill. It makes it worse for a little while but then gets rid of them!

Jason Mullins said...

I bought those baited traps. I think they might be Raid. Anyway, it takes a couple of day but they are gone.