Thursday, June 21, 2007


I will post the times of everything on here for anyone who wants to come.

Visitation at Phillips Robinson Funeral Home, Old Hickory, TN
Thursday 6-8pm
Friday 2-8pm

Funeral at THE Church of God, Antioch, TN
11:30am (that is when Damon took lunch)

Burial to follow at Hermitage, I can't remember the name of the cemetary.

My stomach hurts a lot lately. Last night I think God helped me to sleep, I woke up a couple of times. But I had a dream with Damon in it and now I am upset. All I can think is that I have to live the rest of my life without the love of my life. I know God will help me through those days, but everything from grocery shopping to mowing the lawn doing all of this stuff without him. God knows I loved that man. How I loved him. We had a pure love, I still love him. I still selfishly want him back. I know no one would want to come back from Heaven, but if I could have him back asthma free, oh in a heart beat I would have him. I don't like asthma, oh I don't like it. Though I feel like that was his thorn in the flesh, like Pauls eyes were to him. Pray for the family. This is so hard. I miss my husband, I miss him so badly. I am up at 7:30 the time he would be at work. I picked a casket for him that I feel is perfect. It is all white and says Going Home. He was a pure heart, I don't think I realized how pure he was before the Lord until now. I mean I knew he served the Lord and loved the Lord and was right with Him. But my Damon's heart was so pure and child like. I will never ever ever meet another person like him, I got one in a billion. Thank you JESUS for letting me know and love and share life with so wonderful a man. I need to go now, please pray for me. I need them. I know I keep repeating that, but I do.


Anonymous said...

Please know that we are continually holding you up in our prayers. My heart is so heavy for you right now. Please continue to lean on Jesus, (the words to the song must ring true now more than ever).
Learning to lean, learning to lean, I'm learning to lean, on Jesus. Finding more power than I've ever dreamed, I'm learning to lean on Jesus.
Sisters in Christ,
Marcy Doerfler (Peoria, AZ)

cokelady said...

Kasey, I want you to know that the prayers for you haven't ceased--we are all continually thinking of you, grieving with you, and praying for you. David prayed for God to put his tears into His bottle and to record them in His book. I believe that God sees and hears and FEELS every tear that has been shed in this time of loss and those tears speak to the heart of an ever-present and all-loving God. HIS heart aches for you as well, Kasey, and He will see you through this with His great love. Hang in there and hold to the promises of God. We love you.

James & Rebekah Horne

Char said...

You don't know me but I read your blog a lot. My heart is breaking for you. You are in my thoughts and prayers. I know God will help you get throught this time.