Saturday, June 23, 2007

The 1st Time

My dad said, for the first time today, "I love you too". When I was little I couldnt say love I guess, so my word was "mim". He would say mim you too, or you too, but never "I love you" too. My dad is going to church in the morning. He is really heart broken right now, as all of us are, and my sadness seems to come in waves. For a while it seems like I am okay, then I will remember something that Damon and I did together and it makes me sad again. But, two miracles have already come from all of this...If I could have had my way, I would want my sweet Damon...but I know he would tell me how happy he is for me. I hope Jesus let him see the multitude of people he touched and affected. He was the brightest light for the Lord I have ever seen and I am so proud and in love with my husband, forever and always.


Rachel said...

Oh Kasey, I am so so so glad to hear that your dad said those four anything-BUT-litte words that you have been waiting so long to hear. God is so wonderful to give you such a good gift right now.

I was so proud (maybe that's not the right word?) to know you today. I will never ever ever forget your face and manner when you stood up there and sang and spoke... I'm telling you Kasey, it was like looking at Jesus. His strength and His true Love (with a capital L) that He gave you for Damon, shone out from you like I have never seen on anyone. I'm sure others felt the same way. He gave you a special grace today.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Jesus!!! I am so happy for you and God isn't finished with the work he is doing through Damon's life...God be with you today and every day till we all are together again!!!

Vicky Bly