Saturday, June 09, 2007

Friday Nights, Saturday Cleaning

Damon and I had a date last night. WOOHOO! :) We went to Longhorn Steakhouse. Poor guy, he's been working a side job every night this past week and the week before. He's been doing all of this after his regular job. He didn't work Wed nights and last weekend due to the camping trip. I knew he deserved a great dinner. He said he wanted to go out to eat, so I suggested Longhorn! or is it Long Horn...hmm. At any rate, he got a nice juicy steak, too big, but cooked just right. I got the Lafayette Chicken, then we shared some fried cheesecake thing. YUM-OO They have the best ranch dressing! Well, it's a tie between Long Horn and The Cheesecake Factory. Both yummy ranches. After our dinner we drove to Lebanon to the Verizon Store to look at phones for me. I have a new every two contract. I get a new phone or a $100 credit towards a phone, every two years. I was looking at one I liked, except the new version is already out. Its a military rated phone, for shock, water, and dust specifications. It can be submerged in water for up to 30 minutes. At any rate, they closed at 8pm, we got there at 7:55. Who closes at 8 on a Friday night? I TELL YA!

Now to the Saturday part. We woke up around 9 ish. I had been up at 7am because Paul knocked on the door (our landlord, My BIL's Dad) wanting to talk to Damon. So after that I went back to bed, but then thought about praying before the day got started. So I prayed, and halfway fell asleep, and woke up and prayed some more. I dont like it when I fall asleep praying. I went back to bed until 9:17. Yes, I looked at the clock. Well, for some reason I felt this burst of cleaning energy! So I got up and cleaned the bathroom, then scrubbed, mopped, and scrubbed some more. Vacuumed, cleaned the kitchen and living room. I didnt get to dusting, but that is okay. I even put a load of laundry in. WOOHOO. I am glad I got the house picked up, Damon said we could make a harvest off the carpet because it had so much junk on it. Disclaimer** we aren't GUHROSS, just needed to be vacuumed :)

So now, I am typing up my blog and thinking about what I need to do. We are supposed to be at the church here this afternoon to set up for the Childrens Church party tomorrow afternoon. I need to pick up a few supplies and some flowers to put in the one side of the flower bed. I need to make something for lunch, AND get ready to go. Oh yeah. I got my hair cut. I have never had my hair LONG. Which is a goal of mine. So, it was about the longest its ever been right before I got it cut, which was almost to the middle of my back. BUT, I needed a trim because I hadn't gotten one since around Christmas time and it still had layers in it. I got it cut all one length, which took off about three inches. It's weird, that even though it's still considered medium length, it feels SO much shorter. :( I guess it will grow back though. Sure is nice to have it all one length (with the exception of the bangs- that I was sure I would like, even though every time I cut bangs I regret it about a month later- that I am trying to grow out) Anyway, enough of uninteresting stuff that has probably bored you by now.

One parting note, my DAD agreed to go to with my mom to camp! YEE HAW! He didnt go for the whole time, but he did go for last night and part of today. If you knew my dad, you would know how much of a GOD ANSWERED miracle that is! THANK YOU JESUS!