Friday, September 28, 2007


Wellllll.....1 comment on my Hick post. surely I thought I would get more than that. YES, I am comment happy, so get over it. HEHE, guess that isn't nice to say. I been trying to be better about making comments too. I know I am so bad about that, asking for them, and not giving any.

I have invited some more people to Revival...I don't know what will happen, but God does. I hope they come, one person said they had to work almost as soon as the words were outa my mouth. Makes one feel shot down, but I am gonna pray for them to be able to come. One day people will realize they need to give some time to God too. I don't say that rudely, I mean I need to give Him more time. Good grief, everything I do for Him is I need to do more. Anyway...this is probably coming out all wrong. Pray those I invite, will wanna come.

I am soo so sooo sleepy lately. I bought vitamins for myself, but forget yesterday and today...hard to get into the habit. I go to bed around 1130-1230 and get up around 630. Thats not a tiny amount of sleep so I am wondering do I really need more sleep or is something wrong with me. I know I need to eat more vegetables and fruit and drink more water. See ya later. Today has been a pretty good day. I think of Damon so much sometimes, other times not as much but he is almost always on my mind in some way I am sure. He is in my heart, so he has to be on my mind a lot, right.


Rachel said...

I'm not going to leave a comment, just because you begged.

Ooops, too late!

Brandon Shaw said...

I think I have the same problem :P. I'm always tired as well. Of course, I am younger and get even less sleep than that. So that might have something to do with it... O:-)

Vitamins do help though. I take them and am a firm believer :D. And 4 glasses of ice cold water a day is good too! One in between breakfast and lunch. One at lunch. One in the afternoon. And then one at dinner. And wham! You've had all the water you should get daily :D. And the best part is that you have that whole time in between dinner and breakfast the next morning, to drink that huuuuge glass of Dr. Pepper and get a heaping bowl of ice cream! hehe.. am I not right? ;)

I'll try and comment more often :). Take it easy kasey.

Morgan said...
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Morgan said...

Hey Kas,
I'm really tired today too. I stayed up pretty late last night doing a Science test and putting together a leaf collection which my momma helped me with :) Then this morning i had to get up at around 7:00-7:10 cause of tutorial!

Michael said...

hey this is me sayin hi

Yvonne said...

pray that if its Gods will for me to work at a earlier time wal-mart will ask me to start coming in earlier so my evenings will be free. I am so disapointed that so much with Church and family happens in the evening and im missing it all.
sincerly your
depressed menace

Bekka said...


Anonymous said...

Hello Kasey,
I am glad to see that you are posting, even when you feel down. I think it is theraputic for you probably.
Just wanted to tell ya, I slept 5 to 6hrs a night for years, my hubby told me that I needed more sleep than that and that it would all catch up to me eventually. Guess what, he was right. Now I must sleep 8 or 9 hrs a night. I neglected the refueling time my body needed and now it won't allow for less. Also, the more hrs before midnight the better, you always benefit from the sleeping hours prior to midnight. Just a thought.
Always prayin for you,
Sister Marcy Doerfler

Michael said...

i love you