Monday, September 17, 2007

I shall share this story...

This may sound weird, but as I was walking to the baggage claim area I realized that this was the first time (since meeting Damon) that I had walked that aisle and my husband wasn't going to be waiting for me. I was really sad and cried a little. While I was on the plane (I think that is when I asked Him) I asked the Lord to let me see Damon. I know it may sound weird, and I don't know what I really expected, but I prayed it anyway. As I came around the walkway, posted on the pillar he would wait behind, was a big sign saying "WET PAINT". How cool is that. I believe that was Jesus answering my prayer. My Damon would hang signs in the school after they had painted saying wet paint, and not to mention him being a painter. I was happy. I miss my husband horribly. The pain has been really bad today, today has just been plain hard. Shew...I need some sunshine and as the song says...Lord I need You to lift this load cus' I can't take it no more. I really need prayer, seriously.


Tam said...

Kasey I love you and I promise God is gonna give you direction.

wemmies said...

KEWL story!!

Pam said...

Praying for you that God will continue to help you. Just like Tammy said he is gonna give you direction.

Erika J. said...

awwwwwwww, i woulda cried. that's sweet.

Grace & Co said...

Wow Kasey. God really did answer your prayer! That almost gave me goosebumps. The Lord is amazing, isn't He? You still miss your Damon, yes, but the Lord showed you He cares for you and is there for you! God is so good.

Rachel said...

Awww. That was nice of God to do that for you. He's so sweet. :-)

Praying for you Kasey. Love ya.