Sunday, September 16, 2007

Hard Day

Golly, today has been hard. I have really been thinking about Damon today and missing him. I went grocery shopping tonight, I used to have someone to love to cook for and prepare for, now it is me. Do you know how lonely that is? *sigh* I am hoping a friend of mind will come to TN ladies retreat this year. I am in a weird stage right now. I am wanting to quit my job and maybe go to school, what kind of school I am not sure. Was thinking of going to esthician school and becoming certified to do facials, then I have thought maybe not that and to open my own business. I just wish I knew some answers in life. My world has turned literally upside down and I have no idea which way to go. I am lonely, missing Damon, sad, I dunno...I have lots of things to be thankful for and perhaps I am bad for even writing this. I don't want to lose sight of the prize, to let this storm surround me so much that I don't see the silver lining. I really need you Jesus to help me, YOU know where I am weak, please bind me up I pray. I want to please You so so much, and I feel like I fail on a lot of things, I really need Your help. Help me all the way to Heaven's doors. PLEASE.