Friday, September 21, 2007

Big Faith

Well....pray for me today and mostly pray for my OTHER kitty. He has the same thing Tigger did, though, thank the Lord not as serious a case. I noticed he seemed more quiet lately but his gums still were a fairly good shade of pink. A sign of this sickness is pale gums. It is called hemobartenella (I think that is the correct spelling). Last night I noticed him being really quiet, and my test of how they are feeling (don't laugh) is to scratch their stomach because neither of them like that and get mad. He got mad, but it took him longer than usual. I checked his gums again and noticed they were paler. Then I picked him up and he started meowing really loud like he was mad, I set him down and he just went what seemed like, straight over and (not to be gross) but doodied on the floor as he was laying there. It was like a seizure or something. :( I FREAKED out and started crying and called my momma and Yvonne. Yvonne came down almost right away and she calmed me down a lot. Well the Lord used her to do that. She read the Bible to me and prayed with me and for Jr. This morning he was still laying down but atleast picked up his tale when I scratched by it, he likes that. I thought that was better. I went to pick him up to put him in the crate to take to the vet and this time he got mad sounding again and his back legs seemed paralyzed and he did number 1 and 2 on himself. Again, sorry if I gross you out. The vet called about an hour and a half later saying he had hemobart as well, but not as serious as Tigger's case. I am thankful for that, and get to pick him up tonight after work. He will be on atleast two medicines and maybe three like Tigger was, I am not sure.

Just pray for me to be sane. When he got sick last night I feel like I lost it. I am so tired of to say. I know he is only a cat, but I feel like it has piled and piled on top of me. Yet I want to remain like Job and praise the Lord, but when that happened I don't remember calling on the Lord. I remember freaking out and crying and getting so scared. I want to be stronger and more grounded than that. I need the Lords help.


Bobbinoggin said...

i'm really sorry that your kitties aren't doing well. will be thinking and praying for you--and admiring your courage and faith the whole way. you're amazing and i know you'll pull through!

p.s. thank you for the very thoughtful comment on my site. you are kind. :)