Sunday, September 09, 2007

Number One

What is your greatest dream/wish in all of the whole wide world?

Mine: Making it to Heaven and serving the Lord purely and honestly and having the actions to back up my words.

That is what has been on my mind lately...making it, doing whatever I need to to make it to Heaven. Damon made it. I want to be like Damon was, he was amazing. My hero and my love. Damon had it figured out, yet he didn't feel like it. He was so much a joy, a light, a inspiration, and a pure example. I want to be like him.

Tomorrow momma and I are hanging out, and tomorrow night I am supposed to be going four wheeling on an ATV. My Aunt gave me a card entitling me to a certain dollar amount a spa here in Idaho. I am so excited about this!

I got to spend time with one of my bridesmaids from my wedding today. Sylvia. It was nice and refreshing and wonderful. I have missed her. I miss my TN people, I love you guys. It is nice to be home with family though. :)

My cold has settled into my chest, YUCK. I feel like I can't breathe and that is kinda scary. Pray it goes away. We serve an amazing God and He can touch me. I need to get better so I don't cough as much.

Well, that is what has been up today...oh yeah, man those arctic circle milkshakes sure are good Sis Becki, not nearly as good as the fry sauce though. MMM MMM JEALOUS? ;) hehe, just kidding.


emily said...

I hope 4 wheeling is fun. I have only been once. I miss you. I prayed for you this morning. I hope you feel better soon. BTW, I am getting that soundtrack =P

Tam said...

My #1 make it to Heaven and for my children to make it too Heaven.

Katie said...

Praying for you Kasey!! I miss you! I love you sooooooooooooo MUCH!!! Glad your having a good time..That food sounds soo good!!YUM! lol...
Love you Kasey!!!

cokelady said...

Actually, no, I'm not jealous. But only because I had some of that marvelous Arctic Circle fry sauce tonight myself! Ha! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK you for that special delivery you gave to me at the Assembly. And I'll have you know I was kindhearted enough to leave one bottle at my Mom's house. ~sigh~ Such a bittersweet feeling to make such a sacrifice! ;-)

Hope you're having a great time and enjoying all of the wonderful things you miss about "home." Of course, you'll be missing your Tennessee "home" before you know it! Enjoy an extra milkshake or two just for me, okay?! :-)