Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Pray for Me PLEASE

I am sick still and I feel like I can't breathe to well at times. I know it is mainly a fear thing, though the junk in my lungs doesn't help. I just need the Lord to completely heal me and help me to be well again! I know He still heals.

In other news, my birthday gift to the spa from my Aunt is this Thursday. I only have to pay for a small part of it, so it will be really nice. I am so excited and hope I am totally relaxed after I am done, I could use some relaxation. As I am sure a lot of people could.

The time has gone so quickly for me here. I am torn, part of me isn't ready to leave, yet the other part of me misses TN. I know this is hard on my parents, I am not a parent so I can't fully understand, yet I would imagine it would be extremely painful to see a child move so far away. I need to pray for God's comfort for them, I would appreciate any prayers that you all would offer up for them as well. Tomorrow, I am taking lunch (KFC, at her request) to my grandma. Thursday is spa day, and Friday we are going to my grandparents house. I fly home Saturday, and Lord willings should arrive Saturday Afternoon. I need to go see my horse too. I haven't even been down to see her yet. I tell you, it seems like time has flown by.

Someboday told a wonderful story at church tonight that I would like to share. (I am adding a few of my thoughts to the story too) A commercial came on the radio station they were listening too and was to the effect of a man pulling petals off a flower saying she loves me, she loves me not. This person said, how they didn't want God to feel that way about him because of his actions, "he loves me today, he doesn't love me today, he loves me today, he doesn't love me today" the Bible says if we love Him, we keep HIS commandments. Then this person said, how awful it would be to get to the final petal and it be the day when he loved Him not. We never know the end of our road, or when our last petal will be plucked so to say, may we be found loving HIM still that day and serving Him with our whole heart. On that note, I had the opportunity to witness to a friend of mine yesterday (a friend of a friend really) and I would love for the seed to have been planted. pray that the Lord will continue to work on this persons heart and bring them to HIM. God is a God of love and peace, and I prayed I conveyed the love of the Lord to this person.

Good night folks. pray for my cough and my lungs.

I love u Damon.


Anonymous said...

it seems as though there are more who read Kasey's blog than mine...so felt it better to respond here....life is short for sure....but eternity is forever...amen...i love the Lord with all of my heart and I LOVE HIS CHRUCH...I want to THANK each of you for your prayers, your kind words, your thoughts and your encouragement.... As I set here this morning at my desk, I think of the many times your words to Kasey on her blog have comforted me..I appreciate that, I appreciate that you love her and care for her, very much...as a parent it is difficult to not be able to fix this and make it better.
I LOVE Damon and MISS HIM SO MUCH....HE WAS THE SON THAT I NEVER HAD, though I did not have the time with Him that all of you had, my time with HIM was special and quality....HE is forever etched in my heart and I long for the day, when I will see him again.
I love our daughter more than the next breath I take...I would do anything I could for her, as any parent would say...so I say all of this to really say...I want for her God's perfect will....NO MATTER THE LOCALE...HIS ways are higher than our ways, HE SEES the beginning from the end, HE KNOWS what it will take for each of us to sell out and totally commit to HIM. He knows what we need before we do....I pray God's triple fold blessing back on each of you, who have been there for us through this time....please continue to pray for God's wisdom and quidance...that we all come into HIS perfect will for each of our lives.
As we travel this road together, let us continue to hold each other up in prayer...love and prayers to each of you, God's blessing and guidance I pray, your sister in Christ, sis katie

Michael said...

i love you Kasey with all of my heart and soul and i hope u have a good time up there.

Katie said...

I love you Kasey!! And I'm praying!!