Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Miss Me Yet?

Well, it feels like it has been a long time. I am here, safe, and sunburned. :) My mom's computer is being fixed right now and my laptop apparently still isn't in. Thus, no interent connection at my parents. I am at a friends house right now posting.

My parents bought me a pool. WOOOHOOO! I am getting a tan. It's really nice and I am glad they got it, I have been swimming every day since Monday and the water is 76-78 degrees. So it feels nice.

My flight went well, I just don't like connecting in Atlanta because it makes such a long flight from there to Idaho. Speaking of Idaho, the weather is REALLLY nice here. It was 101 here yesterday and didn't feel NEARLY as hot as TN does when it is 101 there.

My parents had some friends over last night and had a cook out. My dad cooked up a toooon of meat. Man o man, I have never seen so much meat cooked at one time. It was fun, dad actually went grocery shopping with mom and I yesterday. A family shopping trip, so weird, yet so cool. My momma got me some more new clothes and I think they are cuuuute!

I miss my friends, know that I love you and think about you. I am having a great time with my family though, and am thankful for this vacation.

well, I don't know when I will post again, and remember...my birthday is THIS Saturday. :)


Katie said...

Hey Kasey, I miss you! It's gonna be weird you not being at church...Happy early birthday...I'm hoping to tell you that on your actual birthday...but, I don't know if you'll be online that day or whatever...or somethin...well, i'm out!
Love you!!!!

Rebekah Doran said...

I love to go shopping with family! Glad that you are having a good time out in ID.

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say that I hope you have a great time with your family and also that I thought you did an amazing job singing "People Need the Lord" at the Assembly!

Beth Bradley
Harrisburg, AR

Tammy Washburn said...

I greatly enjoyed your song on program at the Assembly. You have a beautiful voice that is such a great gift of God. God Bless You!

Brandon Shaw said...

Hey there Kasey. Waz up yo? How's the meat in Idaho? Any good...? :D Mmmm, steak. lol

Happy EARLY Birthday!

Later kiddo