Friday, November 30, 2007


*hmmm, thinks, what should I write*

How is it that I am drawing so many blanks lately??

Tomorrow is gonna be busy. I am wanting to clean the house, decorate, get my SS Lesson together, and the basket all ready for tomorrow night.

I have some Christmas shopping to do, but hopefully not too much.

Right now, I am listening to Christmas music...its so comforting. It reminds me of Emily. I decorated at my cubicle space today. I hung red ribbon on the top edge, then have alternating shapes, sizes, of red, clear, and white snowflakes hanging from behind. I of course have penguin stuff here too. I think I have three penguins in the area. Make that four. I have cranberries (fake ones) hanging around the entry way, and a big red bow that is sooooo purty at the back side of my cubicle. I feel Christmasy. Even though Christmas is not decorations, Christ is Christmas, but I enjoy the decorating aspect of it all. The only thing that could make this better, would be Damon. And to be in Idaho, watching him try to ski again...that was so funny. I wish I had pictures...but if I had brought a camera that day, it probably would have gotten broken anyway.

I leave you with this. Oh, and Sister Connie, thanks for commenting on my blog...that makes me feel great!

"Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. "
1 Corinthians 15:58


Rachel said...

When we were in AR, Charlotte Dixon put that scripture to a tune to help us remember it. She did a good job too, I think I could sing it all the way through!

Caet said...

Now you have the same background as Sis. Sutton :) lol

♥ Vikki Dreams♥ said...

it sounds pretty kasey...real pretty.
You're right it's not about the decorations but they do make me feel good inside. Do you bake alot?..oh I forgot the cupcakes LOL !
anyway....I was thinking tonight we need to make cookies and /or fudge for our neighbors....hummm that will be lots of fun.