Tuesday, November 06, 2007

A Heavy Heart...

I am feeling very heavy hearted tonight. Life seems so inconsequential in life and death situations. I won't say it was easy to lose Damon, it wasn't. But I knew where Damon went, and where he is. Having someone die, that you don't know if they made it or not. Or someone who is dying and doesn't know the Lord. Shew, God help me. I feel so inadequate as a worker of His. There are so many around me, lost and deceived. I want to tell them about the Lord and His word. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying how wonderful I am, I am nothing. Only by God's GRACE and MERCY, am I alive and living for Him today. I have a responsibility to my Lord, to myself, to this world. God help me to KNOW when You call me to go, to go, to do, to please You. Heaven is real, so is Hell. So is eternity. I want to make it. I really really do. Continue to hold Bill up in prayer. I am pasting the last post on my blog here again, so it's still on top. Pray pray pray. PLEASE.

Please, all who read this, pray as soon as you can. My mom sent me an email about a friend of hers. They have been family friends since I was a young child (maybe even before I was born) Her father in law is on his death bed and isn't saved.

His name is Bill and he knows of Jesus but doesn't KNOW Jesus. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE pray. It's gravely important. He has been on dialysis three times a week, something is wrong with his kidneys I believe and has caused him to become very very sick. He is going out into eternity soon, unless God has other plans.


Grace & Co said...

Hey! I got your voicemail. I wish so bad I could have talked to you but I was at work.

Please keep me informed about Bill! I started praying for him as soon as I found out. I pray the Lord will touch his heart.

I'll try to call you soon!