Tuesday, November 13, 2007


So I have a new snack (in my continuing effort to be more healthy) that I really like. Don't gag. Vanilla Yogurt, with almonds, and craisins, mixed all together. YUMMY. I really like this yogurt too, it's a new brand I tried. It's that activia by Dannon, meant to regulate your digestive tract. Even if you don't really need regulating it is good for helping to keep you healthy. I would suggest/recommend it to anyone! Plus it tastes yummy.

I am taking a half day tomorrow. For Damon's birthday some of the family are going to his grave. I want to buy him roses and something else to put on there. I am running low on money, I wish I had more so I could buy his little light thing that I wanna get. Its solar powered and looks like a lantern. He was my light, and I want that to be represented. He was a light to lots of people.

I had coffee again this morning, and I have a new favorite creamer, vanilla caramel brownie. I think I have talked of that flavor before.

I have a lot going on this next two weeks, pray for me. PLEASE. I love You Jesus. Guard my heart, my mouth, my soul, my eyes, my all. I love and miss you my wonderful husband, Damon Broyles.


Katie said...

The Vanilla Caramel Brownie sound GREAT! I want some!!! yum!

Praying for you Kasey!

I love you!

Erika J. said...

i rarely drink coffee but i've had some the past few days.

wemmies said...

I love vanilla yogurt with crunchie stuff in it. Have you had the kind that has granola in the lid and you pour it in your yogurt. I LOVE LOVE LOVE that. I wish I could find granola in a box like that. I would buy a huge tub of vanilla and sprinkle it with granola everyday for a snack. Mmmmmmmmmmm.

Vic said...

I have tried Grape Nuts trail mix and it's really good on yogurt...And you can buy the best granola at Wild Oats in Green Hills in bulk by weight...So you can get as little or as much as you want to...

Rachel said...

The almonds I don't think I'd care for, I like them in snack mixes salted but that's about it. But the craisins with some granola I could definitely go for. I love the yogurt covered craisins but they are expensivo. I've wanted to make my own yogurt parfait like they have at McD's. 'Cause you know everybody love parfait.

Bekka said...

personally, i think the best yogurt is like vanilla with grapes and granola. It rocks the boat, lol. :)

Bobbinoggin said...

i think your snack sounds yummy. i like to do yogurt with chocolate teddy grahams. if you like gummy bears, that's sometimes fun too.

did you know you can use plain yogurt as a substitute for sour cream? i've fooled many a people without telling them that it's actually plain yogurt. mooohahaha.

kasey, can you email me your phone number? simp0491@icqmail.com

kay thanks. *wink*