Sunday, November 25, 2007


Momma made dinner tonight. Yum yum. After church we went to Wal-Mart and got supplies for a fabulous dinner. Waffles, hashbrowns, turkey bacon, OJ. YUM.

I cried tonight...about Damon. It is so weird...I still think about him EVERY single day, sometimes I cry, sometimes I don't. But it seems to hit at weird times.

I am gonna try to get off early tomorrow if work will let me. Since momma is here.

Penguins, penguins, penguins!! I am so excited and thankful. My dear friends have been supplying my growing collection of penguins. I love him.

Goodnight. God is, good!


Bobbinoggin said...

i'm glad your mom can be with you for awhile. that's really great.

i'm sorry for the pain and loss you must feel every single day.

this may seem utterly insensitive to bring up right after consoling you... but--in what world is WHITE text legible over a light blue background?!?! i have to highlight your words to read them. rarr.

p.s. love ya. *wink*

Vic said...

I have to highlight

Rachel said...

I want waffles! That sounds REALLY yummy!