Monday, November 26, 2007


Is this color of text better?

I just realized last night, that Caetie and I have the same blog template. Sorry girl :( I wouldn't have done that if I had been paying attention and checked your blog first. But as it stands, I just re-entered all my links not to long ago, and since you lose them (grrr) anytime you change your template, I am going to wait awhile before changing it again. But I will.

I am soooooo tired. We stayed up late last night eating breakfast for dinner and watching a movie.

This morning was sorta weird, I left the house early in hopes of getting to work early so that my bosses might let me off early to be with momma. The traffic was HORRENDOUS. I was stuck in hermitage for about 30 minutes, and was over 15 minutes late. So, I am kind of thinking maybe I won't ask to leave early. I dunno, will think about it.

I really miss Damon. I want to express my thankfulness to the Lord for all He has done for me. I hope you all have a great day. And I mean that.


Caet said...

Thats ok Kasey, theres not many Christmas templates and a couple of people have already got them so, its hard to fine one that someone else doesn't already have. So its fine, I guess we have the same taste in backgrounds though lol :P

Vic said...

I can see much better...

Bekka said...

yeah the text and all that goes together like perfectly.

Sara said...

i love the layout! hope ya got to leave work early, and hope you had a wonderful holiday! =)

Bobbinoggin said...

much more readable. great!!! :)

isn't being mommied wonderful? there's one downside when my mom "mommies". she likes to rearrange things that i specifically arranged a certain way. she rearranged my spice/baking cabinets. she rearranged ashlynn's clothes closet. i just have to roll my eyes and change it when she leaves.

♥ Vikki Dreams♥ said...

If you choose the same layout it just means you both have good taste :-)

I dislike having to change all the info in the side bar :-(