Wednesday, November 07, 2007


Life is moving SO fast! I miss Damon. But I know where he is. Thank You Jesus for the most wonderful husband, best friend, love any woman could ever ask for.

Last night was spent cooking, cooking, and more cooking. 200 weeks....wowza! I have two kinds of cupcakes and will have 6 different fillings with two different frostings to choose from. My feet were hurting. Not only did I bake/cook, I cleaned the house up, organize a few things and took Damon's truck to the shop. Michelle called me last night, a girl from our church, needing a ride. I am glad she feels like she can call me, I want to be there for people. I want to be the real mccoy so to say. I am not tooting my own horn, but when the rubber meets the road, you either are or aren't what you say you are. And I want to be Christlike. This morning I got up, got ready for work, curled my hair (though it still isn't too great looking) vacuumed, swept, put a new (old) comforter on the bed, and did some more straightening. I was late to work though, did not read my Bible, and only prayed for a little bit. Bad on me. I think I am the Martha type personality...I think that was the one that was busy working while the other (Mary I think) was worshipping Jesus. I need to work on that too, Lord help me. Atleast to worship and pray more while I work. is coming out again, turns out the other guy was wrong. I sure hope they fix my internet soon :). I waited all this time for my laptop, hahaha, now no internet!

Momma comes down in about two weeks or two and a half! I have candle orders...shew! Pray for the world. Pray for Bill, Pray for Damon's friends...pray pray pray! have a great day!