Friday, January 13, 2006

how do you know when.... can trust someone? If they have done something to break your trust, how do you know when to trust them again, or if to trust them. I am not speaking of harboring ill will towards them, that would be wrong. But how do you know to let them in your heart again as a true friend?

I am dealing with something I just found out as of last night that is kinda tearing me up (like tear paper , not tearing up cry wise) I don't know what to do, how to handle the situations. What to say, what not to say, to even go to them at all. I have been made aware that I am super loyal :P and that means when I have an issue with someone or vice versa I tend to kiss the ground they walk on til its "all betuh" I don't know WHY I do that! I mean even when I am not the one whos wrong! Ya know! Why do I care so much what someone thinks of me as long as I am right with God. I just don't know, I really don't know what to do. I love this person with all my heart. They are one of my closer friends. *sigh* Needs prayer for this situation.