Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Half Day

Well this morning I woke up feeling fine, a little tired but otherwise okay. As I was getting ready to put on my outfit for the day I got NAUSEOUS. Bad. At one point I thought I was going to lose it. Then the headache came. So I called work and told them I would be in when I felt better....so I came in for a half day today the nauseousness is gone, but the headache seems to fade in and out. Momma thinks that I got sick feeling because I took my daily vitamin without eating. I drank some V-8 Fruit Juice with it and thought that would be okay. Anyway...I am here now.

Emily is coming over tonight. I am soooo excited. It is so different to go from having a wonderful dream filled life with the one you love and cherish, to being in a house alone and wondering what to do for the evening to fill the time. Sometimes I get jealous of others because their dreams are coming true and I feel like mine were cut short. God knows, I still cling to the fact He has a bigger plan. I refuse to get angry at Him because the plan that Kasey had for this life didn't work out. I guess it is just hard to feel like you are the one whose life fell apart and you get to see others dreams continuing on. It is normal to feel that, I just don't need to dwell on it. I say all that to say I am glad Emily still comes over and makes my night joyful. Even if it has been 4 months.

I shall see yall later. May the Lord bless you and keep you, and may He make His face to shine upon you.


Rachel said...

Sorry you are feeling yucky.

I feel bad sometimes too, that so far I've not had a major tragedy in my life. The big tragedy in my life is to have unsaved family members. At least you know your husband is safe in heaven. I don't know God's plan down the road but I'm glad the He does.

Rebekah Doran said...

Yeah, those vits can be hard on a body if not taken with food. Glad you got some company tonight. :)