Thursday, October 18, 2007


Remember how I asked you all to pray that atleast one of the people that I invited would come? (I think ya'll know where I am going with this) Well GUESS WHAT!!?!?!?! Not only did ONE of Damon's co-workers come, but TWO! WAHOOOOOOOOOOO, Thank YOU Jesus!! HOW cool is that?! O man, I was soo excited and thankful to the Lord. I am tellin yall, I did not remotely expect that! I started crying when I saw them. Blubbering would be more like it.

On the way to church last night (I had Gina, Michael, and Brittany S.) Honey started acting really weird. She had no balance and started curling up on one side. A few minutes before this started happening, I noticed her trying to get up front and it was like she had slipped and was just slipping and slipping in between the back and front seats. So a few minutes later she came up front again and she couldn't stand straight and was falling over. I looked at her gums and they were like purplish red, I thought she was choking on something. We discovered she was breathing and were really praying, then it was like she came out of it. A few minutes later she started curling up again onto one side and her eyes got all bulgy looking. She did this a total of three times. I called my vet, closed, called emergency vet, closed. GRRR, this was 20 minutes before church started. We brought her inside to the sanctuary and about 5-7 people gathered around her and we prayed. Some even laid hands on her. I was really tore up, this is my baby, a part of my life and healing process after Damon passed. I did NOT want to lose her. After prayer she seemed to be fine. I kept her in one of the sunday school rooms ( I hope this doesn't seem disrespectful to some, Honey is almost the official church dog, everyone pretty much knows her and her name and that she is pretty much anywhere I am, long as it isn't too hot or too cold) and kept checking on her. She was doing good and mainly just wanted out to be with me. Anyway, after all of that, you can see why God bringing Damon's former co-workers was such a uplifting thing for me. Not only an answer to prayer, but Sonshine after the storm.

The skit went really well I think. It seemed to go sooo fast. You practice and practice and pray and put your heart into it, then it's like BAM! Done! I watched it on video last night and man, I am totally losing more weight. EWWW. I don't think God created me to ever be super skinny, but shew... yuckiness. Believe it or not, that running last weekend was awesome. I really would love to keep doing that atleast once a week with a friend. Then just jog at home on the treadmill throughout the week.

I guess this is the post for the day. :) I should get some of my candle stuff TODAY! Yeehaw!


Brandon Shaw said...

Yeah you should start running like sis tammy and sis lynn do! That would be good for ya. I'm thinkin about training with josh for the half marathon next year. We'll see... O:-)

Sure am glad honey is ok! Prayer works. :D

Skit = Anointed
Anointed = God's will
God's will = Awesomeness

Kasey said...

Em and I are supposed to do it too! The half marathon, you better not laugh either ;)

Brandon Shaw said...

Nah I'll be too busy laughing at my goofy self sprawled on the ground from exhaustion because I tried to show off and run to fast. lol

Tam said...

Last night was a GREAT night all the way around

2. Damon's co-workers coming
3. Honey healed
4. Emily's mom coming
(in no particular order)

Praise the Lord for ALL His GREAT benefits and blessings!!!!

Valerie said...

Is Honey doing better now? Hope Honey will be alright..

Kasey said...

Yes, she seems fine today. Thank YOU Jesus.