Saturday, December 31, 2005

In transition and HAPPY NEW YEAR

I colors are weird right now. I kinda like them, but need to pull it together. I was tryng to do it quickly. Today is Saturday, and Damon leaves me tomorrow to go back to Nashville. :( I am bummed, really sad. I fly back *sigh* on Tuesday at (are you ready) 5:49AM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yikes! Anyhoo...

We went shopping today. I needed to use my MACY's gift card, since we dont have Macy's in Nash yet. So I got some 400 thread count sheets for $39.99! Great deal! They even fit deep pocket matresses. I got some gaucho pants, that really look like a skirt. I also got another skirt and a Tommy Hilfiger pillow!

Mom and Damon and I were laying straw and sawdust down for the horses yesterday (since it has been raining for like several days now) its a muddy mess. The mud is about 8 inches deep. Hence the straw and sawdust...well the dog (that isn't really ours that we thought was homeless and started feeding but really did have a home but continues to come back) started chaseing the horse and it kicked him. We finally got over to Larry on the yard (thats the dogs name) and he had blood running down his face and was going into shock. Off we went to the vet in super fast mode in our muddy nasty boods and manure (we looked a sight!) Dog has to stay for the weekend with an IV running to make sure he doesnt have seizures, he got a concussion too. Not even our dog...:P

Well I need to get off here...we got stuff to do. Love yall and hope this is interesting enough to tide you over for a few days :P


btw...erika are you pregnant? or not?


wemmies said...

Your colors make me think of vomit. *shrugs*

My grandfather (where we got the furniture from) wants to know if you guys would be interested in moving his 2 couches and recliner and small cabinet to his house in White House. The job pays $100 plus $25 for gas. Whatcha say? We could split it... :) Or we could do the work and then go eat at a fancy restaurant, PF Chang's.... double date. :P

Kasey said...

LOL....Vomit huh?! I can ask Damon about the moving stuff. When does he need it done by? I will have Damon call ya! I have never been to PF changs...sounds good!

Kasey said...
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Erika J. said...

Go to the Cheesecake Factory.

Anonymous said...

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