Friday, December 16, 2005

Christie Cookies tummy kinds feels funny. I had been good on my diet today, then came in the box. What box you ask? The Christie Cookie box... they were the rejects. See our saleslady for the company gives the good ones to customers then gets the rejects for us. Sounds kinda mean, but hey they still taste good right?! YUM... Just to tell you how good they are, I don't normally like Chocolate Chip cookies unless they use milk chocolate chips. These used semi sweet and the babys were still lip smackin! MMMM

Blog world has been TOTALLY boring today. With the exception of Gracie. I miss my blog buddies. *sighs*

I am off to see the wizzard the wonderful wizzard of washes that is! Gettin the car washed after work! Then it's off to nointernetland for the weekend. We don't have internet at home anymore. Damon says we "dont need it right now" sheesh...he finds a wife then cuts the net. HELLO! Meat market was it?! hehe

See yall later!