Monday, December 12, 2005


Sometimes my heart hurts so bad
The pain comes and it goes
Waves of merriment, and waves of sad
Like the tide rushing, pains' salty water penetrating every open wound

I cling the Rock higher than I
Only God can steady my ever hurting heart
He knows the season, the time, and why
If someday I return, I pray it will be like we were never apart

The pain clinches around my throat like a jagged knife
I wish to speak the words, to somehow describe my hurt
I want to go home, I want to go home, I want my life
To see my family, my mom, my dad, oh these memories how they burn

I chose Love, I do not regret it
I chose happiness, it was no mistake
I chose to leave, and the pain is sometimes so great
I held his hand, he held mine, hand in hand through the doors of time

To wish, that one day I will knock on homes door
To remain in bliss forevermore
Knock knock, life is temporal, we are all pilgrims on this shore
God knows my heart, Dear Jesus help me take one step more.