Thursday, December 08, 2005

CHRISTmas Countdown

16 days till I go home for Christmas. Damon and I are flying out December 24th at 6PM and won't get into Idaho until 11:30pm. I guess I might see Santa, ;)

I can hardly wait to see my family, and go snowmobiling. I am only dreading one thing. Seeing my grandma, she tells me how chunky I am and that I need to lose weight (something alone those lines). I love her, I just wish she'd be nice and love me no matter what. Anywho, still trying to lose weight for the occasion so it wont be so bad on me :) Funny thing is, I got on the scale, and after cutting back on my food I had GAINED weight. I just love that. JUST LOVE IT...grrr...

It's a good thing I aint skinny, I'd probably be a snob or something. I don't want to be way skinny, just a little less luciously plump...haha. That's what Damon calls me. Makes me sound like a raisin being brought back to life by a dip in some juice.

I have some more shopping to do, will have to wait til next week though I guess. I need to do some baking, and have been getting several recipes offline recently to go through and decide my winners. I am going to attempt divinity for my dad. He really likes the stuff. I also have half of my Christmas cards addressed and waiting for stamps. The other half are in the making process. My mom's a stampin up demonstartor, as well as my aunt, thus I am trying to make them proud by making my cards. I have a lot of things to put together but only a few totally assembled cards.

Mamaw and Papaw are both home. He is being stubborn about keeping his foot up, his bandage on, and di mobilizing himself. I am thinking he will end back up in the hospital. The saga goes on.

I will be a bridesmaid in a few short months, about six to be exact! woohoo.

peace yall.


wemmies said...

Who's getting married?
Did Gina give you your angels?

Kasey said...

no, Gina hasn't give me my angels. I'm gonna beat her if she doesn't!! My tree is neked without'em!

My best friend In Idaho, Sylvia. She is marrying the guy shes been dating for like three years. She has the exact same bridesmaids dresses I had except hers are Light blue, mine were navy blue.
Where you been on my blog....missed your posting...**sniff sniff**

why you cold?