Friday, March 28, 2008

Another Mile

Well, as I have said, I have a goal to complete a half marathon. I found one in Boise which is near where I live, that takes place in October of this year. That gives me six months to train. My friend and I did two miles on Tuesday both jogging and walking, then yesterday I only did one mile because there were toooooooooo many people at the place where I jog. It normally wouldn't be a problem, but when I have Honey to carry (around other people and there dogs), my new puppy who is still learning the whole leash thing, and then my parents black lab (acting as Abbys surrogate mommmy) it was a bit much to negotiate. I was so frustrated by the time I got done, I said to myself, no more laps! Today we (the dogs and I) did another mile. Thankfully there weren't as many people this time! I would have liked to have done two miles again, but it was ridiculously windy here. There were even sand storms,and it stung when the sand hit you. Last time I took blackie walking and she got in the water, I took her my parents house after we were done, because I thought she might miss home a little. Well anyway, when I came back she was shivering, so much so her teeth were actually chattering. I felt so bad. I figured she has a lot of hair and she's a black lab, they swim...I guess I didn't even think about her being cold even tho she was still sorta wet. So today with the wind being so high, I worried that she (after getting in the ponds, again) would get too cold so another reason for not going around the ponds for mile two. I like going to that place (the ponds) because you dont have to do a bunch of laps to get a mile, you just go around one BIG loop to get the mile, and to me it seems shorter. Plus, I think it will be good training for the marathon because are there are hills to jog up and down. So after today, that makes three days in a row of jogging/walking. I am happy that I have abby, because she motivates me to exercise. Her breed needs exercise so they don't develop bad habits. I would rather take her jogging than have her dig in my yard, or tear things up, so off we go. I talked to my Grandma today, and she might do the half marathon too!!! She wants to walk though. My goal is to jog the whole way, it may not be fast, but I want to try. I figure if I just keep doing what I am doing, I will be ready. Plus, I looked up a training schedule for first time half marathoners, and I think I can handle that. My first goal, to attain in the next three months, is to run three consecutive miles. After that, I will do the training program since it is a 12 week thing. I feel like I can actually do this, and I am soo excited! I forgot how good it feels to work out for real!