Monday, May 01, 2006

Nature's Sunshine

Good Morning everybuddddy.

Explanation for the title of my post....I bought 130 dollars worth of herbal stuff from Nature's Sunshine last night (yes you can close your jaws now). A lady in our church sells it. Damon has been having troubles with his joints from time to time (happens when you get old and since he is MUCH older than me, I expect it lol) so she ordered some natural stuff to help him with that, and my husband "mr health food is gross" who won't listen to me but SISTER TORRENCE CAN GET HIM ON A DAILY MULTI VITAMIN! Somebody help me...I think I almost fainted. You guessed it, ordered him a daily multivitamin too, and I got something for me, a "fat grabber" I think. Helps you lose weight naturally or something. I hope it works. I'm trying and I will take all the natural help I can get!

Though I sound quite chipper, I am not. I am happy in the Lord, but I am still sick in Body. Please pray for the Lord's healing. I don't like going to the doctor unless I absolutely have to because A) they weigh you, and B) money. I cough on and off all night long, or have horrid dreams that make my sleep useless. I can't breath well from time to time (not to be gross) because of the congestion i.e. flem. I am annoying my husband with all my noises of coughing, hacking, or whatever else he calls it. I had to go sleep on the couch last night just to get sleep. I couldn't get comfy and our bed is just NOT big enough when I am sick (even though it is a queen). I am thinking I need a king size! lol I am really tired and my ears are really plugged, when I cough they turn itchy. Momma says I don't sound good. I have a raspy voice. Can't sing for to long or too well. I love singing, so thats annoying too. I got my job at Wal-Mart Photo Lab (this is a second part time job) and I go in tonight from 5-9, so I will be working a 14 hour day. Please pray for job here has it's slow times but the all together hours of being away from home wear me out. Only for a season shall I work two jobs!

About my wal-mart Job, I really thank God He worked it out! I think He is really in this and has given me a desire of my heart, because I really wanted to make some extra money for some upcoming expenses and He got me a job in the photo lab which shuts down at 8pm, after clean up we leave at 9pm! That is one to two hours earlier than most people who work a evening part time shift. My friend works there and she there till 11 and my sister in law works there too and she varies between 10 or 11pm. I will get off at 9 and it only takes me 5mins (ish) to get home, so I will still have some time! They also don't open till 8am in the morning (where as almost everything else is 24 horus) and on Sundays they close at 7! I am pretty excited about the fact my hours are going to be less and early enough to still TRY and get sleep. God worked it out for me! Tonight is CBL tests...whatever that means. Tomorrow hopefully I will be on the floor for my first night! Woohooo....I hear the bank calling now :p lol.

I made some chicken thing last night for dinner. When you get low on money and groceries you are forced to I sauteed chicken then put it in a pan and put spaghetti sauce in and some slices of pepperoni and topped with mozzarella and baked for 7 minutes then put that over angel hair pasta. Damon liked it. Have left overs today, for lunch.

I would ask that you all remember Damon and I in your prayers, we have some pretty big decisions in our lives coming up and I need help in sleeping if you could pray for that.

Oh yeah, IF and WHEN Damon finally says yes to having a baby...and hopefully its a girl (most importantly healthy, above gender) we have a name picked out. Some of you may wrinkle your noses at me but I wanted to honor my grandmother by using her name LORIS. I am not to fond of Loris so I put a "A" on the end of it...LORISA. Damon likes Loris better though and actually likes the name on his own (hard to find, he doesn't like many names I do) and not many have that name (which is something I really wanted....a unique name that would honor family)so If we ever get to have a baby girl her name will be,
Loris Murri Broyles!(pronounced marie, my middle name is murri too and damon loves it) Cool Huh! I also want the name Beau (short for Beaulah which means heaven land and was also my great grandmothers name) isn't that cute....beau broyles!


Katie said...

Oh Kasey Baby, I love you SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much and Damon too. I praise the Lord that you and he serve HIM. Our Risen Lord and Savior. Every mother's heart desires that her child should serve the Lord. Thank you Lord for taking care of my baby and damon. I appreciate that so much. Please Lord, would you kindly give them your mind, your will and your wisdom with these upcoming decisions and Lord would you please if it be your will to touch Kasey's body, for your Glory....thank you Lord.

Kasey said... that a polite way of saying "ummm....not so much, no those are awful Kasey" lol.

Momma Tammi said...

I like the names you picked out. Beaulah was my great aunt's name and I loved her dearly. However, I am little confused at how you would pronounce the shortened version of that. Help me out here, because when I see "Beau", I use the French pronunciation of "Bo", so is that it or would it be "Bu like view, just with a b"?

Kasey said...

It would be pronounced like BOW tie... or a bow for a present! like that.

Erika J. said...

Hmm, wonder where you got the 'fat grabbers' idea? *scratches head*

Kasey said...

she had the stuff printed out for Damon and I asked her if she had anything to help with losing weight. She said fat grabbers and said she could have them for me by wednesday. I said ok, asked if they really worked and she said yes if you are consistent.

Erika J. said...

mmmmmmmmhmmmmmmm. ;)

Kasey said...

Promise...I didn't even think about you or that you had gotten them. Didn't even think of it till this morning after reading your *sticks tongue out* naaaaah! btw....BLOG!

wemmies said...

*wants fat grabbers!!!!*

Those multi-vitamins are expensive but THEY ROCK!!! I haven't lost a single hair to breastfeeding! :)

Kasey said...

I hope the fat grabbers work...especially for 59 something a bottle. :( Me to po fo that.

wemmies said...

59!!!!!! I'll grab my own fat for free! :)

Kasey said...

lol.........I'm trying to get pretty here! Haven't you noticed I have let myself go abit! Pain is beauty...even pain in the pocket book! Thats for one month.

Anonymous said...

59???? I DID NOT pay that much. Great Day!

Kasey said...

who for art thou anonymous?

Its for a months supply I think...maybe longer. I dont know.

Anonymous said...

Where did you find it? Interesting read » »