Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Guess what!

5:36 A.M.
4:07 A.M.

know what that means? My camera baby is ALMOST HOME! *excited clap* Only bad part is, I won't get home til after 9pm tonight to see it! Poor little Winston. Yes, I have changed it from being a Girl to now a boy and his name is Winston. I name all things I cherish. My truck was Helen. My Husband is Damon...Oh wait...I didn't name him *scratches head*, well you get the picture! Anyway, this is rather convenient, because I get paid tomorrow and Thursday. Camera Bag and SD Card, HERE I COME! Will be nice to get discount too!

My husband has gone nuts for vitamins! Who woulda thought it! *shakes head* He now carries around his vitamin bag to make sure he takes them at all the right times. He's already talking to Sister Torrence about his next month's supply. He's gone weird on me! Who are you Damon and where have you taken my husband?! hehe

Rachel, in response to your comment about helping with the party for David T. Yes, help would be appreciated! I am somewhat of a control freak *no comments from the peanut gallery please* and I don't like to relinquish things for two reasons. A) I want all the praise (how selfish) and B) I want to make sure things are done to my too high standards. However, this will be good medicine, so to say, for me to swallow *grin*. Will talk to you at church tomorrow. I have gleaners *yipes, need to prepare craft, worried look* so we will have to talk before church or after. I prefer before now that I need to get to bed at a decent time. If you think you aren't goin to be there, call me.

I am a good girl! I went to curves last night, and some how I have lost weight. I dunno how but I have. I'm not complaining! Oh and I have a new food fascination....terriyaki sauce. Oh my word! YUM! There is this place in Idaho called Beefy's, it's on the north side and you could totally miss it if you weren't a local. They, in my book, are known for two things. Fry Sauce (YUMMMMM-OOO) and Terriyaki Chicken. *dreamy sigh for the above mentioned foods* I am somewhat weird and picky with my food, though you'd never guess it by my dress size, anywho....I sometimes wonder if the chicken used in Asian restaurants or in Asian dishes are really chicken. It just has a different texture. SOOOO...I don't eat the chicken but LOOOOVe the flavor so I take the rice that came with the chicken terriyaki meal and douse it with MORE terriyaki sauce then (here comes the weird part) take the small side salad that comes with the meal and mix it IN with my rice and top that with ranch dressing. There is something about the combination of salad, rice, terriyaki sauce, and ranch that REALLY taste good to me.

I gotta work tonight, I know that I am not working with two of my preferred people to work with (Tiffany and Cali) so I am kind of stressing about it. Pray for me!


Katie said...

LOL, you do go on...hee hee.
Watch out Rachel...LOL.

wemmies said...

Hey! If you can believe it I had the chicken, rice, terrihockey, ranch, salad last week several times. It is good! It is very weird huh? I had made Hawaiian Chicken. Chicken, Terrihockey, rice, and pineapple last week. The left overs I scooped onto my spinach salad and topped with Ranch. I also topped with Italian one day. They are both good. I am not a big terriyucky fan either. Kikkoman (sp) is the best.

Hollah! Let me know when David's thing is and all the details so we can come. :) Glenda is my step momma so I guess that makes David my step brotha! ;)


Kasey said...

Hollah! Grreat Wendy...you're anotha weirdo like me! :p

To be honest, kim just asked me tpo plan it and I haven't talked to her since. *frown* It's gonna be the first Sunday evening in June which is the 4th. I don't know if it will be after the service or it WILL be the service. Probably after. I always knew you was black! :p

Yes gracie...my camera baby almost home ready to take his first pictures. Awww little winston!

Momma Tammi said...

Enjoy your camera. I am so excited for you.

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed a lot!

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