Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Good Morning everybuddy :p ( I know that it's really spelled, everybody, don't worry)

Guess what I brought to work with me today? No guesses? I brought my reprinted word for word, exact replica of the 1953 Better Homes and Gardens Cookbook! In a few weeks we will REALLY be picking up so I am going to take the chance while I have it, to look through the recipes some more. I have a great interest in days gone by, whether it be cooking, my family history, or just the time period. I LOVE history! My main fascination comes from the days of my parents child hood or the time period of my grandparents young adulthood. I guess from the 1940-early 1960's is my main period of interest. I love the way the women dressed, they always looks so proper and pretty, but still modest. I loved the way they cooked back then, the importance of family, the way they decorated their houses. I just LOOOVE that time period. That brings me back to why I have the 1953 reprint of the cookbook. My grandmother gave me the very cookbook my grandpa got her after they got married in 1947, what an honor! I am so pleased to have it! It has so many memories in those pages! I know this may sound gross, but there is food on the pages that is over 50 years old and it makes me think that came from my momma's childhood. It's such a wonderful feeling. I wish my grandpa would have lived long enough to meet Damon. *sigh* if I could go back to that time period or my childhood. I love love love history.

I left work about 20 minutes early yesterday and called in sick to Wal-Mart...I know...great thing to do on your second week. I don't know what happened, I think I may have over loaded my system between vitamins and and extra strength bear for my headache. *which never went away till I went home and slept for several hours* Not only did I have a headache but on the way home my stomach and back area started hurting very badly. I couldn't tell whether I needed to throw up or...well...you get the idea. Anyway, after much sleep and revitilization I feel MUCH better today! Thank you Jesus! I am going into curves after work and then to Wal-mart after that!

Started over on my diet today, thank you Gracie for your prayers, I feel really motivated today! I'm going to succeed!

I had a good prayer with my hubby last night, was good to pray to the Lord like that. This may sound bad, but we do our devotions (small as our 2 person family is) at night before bed. I was still recovering from being sick, and he didn't want to get up so we were both to lazy to turn the light on to read. But then something happened, he said quote a scripture, so I quoted Matthew 5:16 (one of my favorites) and I told him to quote one. It was kind of fun, almost better then reading because it challenged us to REMEMBER the Word, not just read it. I had fun, even if, in theory the reason for the game started out in a bad way (being lazy).

Well, keep me in your prayers today...will be a long day. Started at 5:45 will get home after 9:00.
Oh....and I even got my Mother's Day Card for momma made! In the mail even!


Momma Tammi said...

Way to go! It is so much better to receive a "made" card than one bought in the store. I was going to razz you for not posting it so that we could all see it, but then I remembered that your Mom is a blogger too and that would ruin it for her, so...I guess we'll have to do without seeing it. I'm sure you did a marvelous job on it. I love to get ideas from everywhere.

That is so cool that you have your Grandmother's cookbook. I would love to have something like that from my Grandma, but she didn't use a cookbook. She just winged it as she went. She did hand down one recipe to me though and I use it every Thanksgiving and Christmas. That is probably the ONLY real tradition that we have.

I'm like you...I love history and always loved hearing the stories of when my Mom was growing up and how life was back in the 40's and 50's. I also loved hearing about life in the early 1900's when my great grandfather was a child.

Glad you are feeling better. Have a wonderful day!

Katie said...

Kasey Baby, YOU bless my soul. Thank you for loving your Deen and your Granpa SSSSSSSSSSSSOOOOO much. I appreciate that about you...Gracie, could you possibly pray for me to be motivated too...?

Kasey said...

I didn't post a pic of the card because a) i didn't think about it, and B) in theory the idea started good, but I was not pleased with the end product. :)

wemmies said...

I have a tote of stuff from when my Nanny died. If I pop the top on it I can smell her. :( I think it just "hit me" the other day as I was going through pictures... that I can't talk to her anymore. I can't go visit her. I can't eat her food. *sigh* I am glad for my smelly tote. I will be glad when I get my stuff so I can display some "things." It is hard now.... I ain't even got a shelf! :P

Kasey said...

:( maybe you will get a place of your own soon.

Damon wears my grandpas clothes from time to time so that makes me feel better that in a way Grandpa is still with me.

Kasey said...

Now I'm thinking of Grandma Babe...Missing her too now :( She was an amazing lady.

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