Thursday, May 18, 2006


Last night was interesting. I weighed at curves. Was disappointed and happy all at the same time. I have only lost two lbs, and 1.75 inches. However, atleast I have lost something. I know I can lose much faster, so that means I am not trying.

After I got home, I quickly watched the taped AI episode from Tuesday so I could retape over it the kick off session. I am really bummed for Elliott. I sooo do not want Katharine to win anymore. She does have a good voice, I just think she's gotten full of herself. Things aren't always what they seem though. I just know she cussed on her interview answers, kinda disappoints me. I HOPE Taylor wins. I am calling and voting on my way home from work next week. I don't care if he falls flat on his face, I am voting for him. He's been one of my favorites for a long time.

I took Winston to church last night, he met a lot of the people. He felt quit comfy with all of them. I took the most AMAZING picture of Miss Morgan. I am gonna make a 5X7 at Wal-Mart tonight and give to Tammy. Sis Leslei even said it was VERY good. She looks like a model. I don't know how I captured it so good, to be honest. I just focused, then took the shot. That was it. But it turned out amazing!

I am working in the back this quarter with the Gleaners. If you knew a little boy from our church named Sloan, you would know why this next story affected me so much. The boy was quiet almost all night long! I felt so bad for him, he looks PITIFUL! Made me sad. His best friend is moving. Sloan never wants to sit still, never wants to be quiet. He's like a ball of energy. Gotta love him, but he is just one that wears you out, but not last night. We prayed for his friend and he wrote a letter last night to his friend and is going to give it to him today I would guess. The poor kid, pray for him, he is truly broken hearted and it is so so sad to see.

Talked to Kim last night about the grad. party. She gave me my budget and I told her the food we had decided on. We don't have enough money for pizza, she said something about doing sandwiches and stuff. I am gonna ask her Sunday if maybe we could request that anyone who comes brings 2-3 dollars for pizza, because I really want to get David the things he likes. Anyway, hopefully she says yes.

I ordered the shower favors yesterday. They are candy bar wrappers (like for Hersheys Bars) that say stuff about love, then you tie them with personalized ribbons. I ordered Peach colored ribbons to match the bright tropical theme, and ordered the script to say Sylvia's Aloha Shower with the date. I hope she likes them. I would have liked them at my shower, they are really cool! Plus, almost all women like chocolate, soooo... :)

Well anyway, pray for BTI, Presbytery, me, you, ummm anything else! Most importantly, thank God today, He is a loving and beautiful God!


Erika J. said...

I like the new layout.

Kasey said...

Finally! I am popular enough to get a comment from erika! yay! I'm excited, seriously! I was beginning to feel neglected. And, thanks! I like it too... you can keep commenting if you want!

Momma Tammi said...

I love the new layout. I don't know you very well, but this seem to totally fit you.

Glad all the planning is going so well for you. Keep up the good work.

Poor kid. I can so relate to friends or me moving away. Saying goodbye is never easy, but especially when you are a kid. I'll pray for him.

Kasey said...

thanks! I like it the best so far!

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