Friday, May 05, 2006

I guess I shall post

It is with much sadness that I regretfully inform you that Mandie has left the blogging world. Though temporary as it may be, her departure has cause me much grief over these few hours. So my dear readers, please take a moment of silence in rememberance of the computer she once typed upon.
Now, back to your regularly scheduled program.

Ever have a day where you feel pretty? Stellar as Gracie would say? Today is my day to feel "hot". I guess that might be silly to say as I am so chunkily over weight, or as my husband says "luciously plump" *sigh*. But today I feel pretty, I think there's a song with that title. "I feel pretty, Oh so pretty, and witty and gay (happy)". Nice to feel this way every once in a while!

Gracie I dedicate this song to you...
"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine,
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away"
Love you girly, chin up!

And, Sister Smith...if you read this, will you please send your e-mail address to my email ( so I can send you an invitation to the recipe blog. I KNOW you know how to cook, you have me salivating when you describe your food...unless you don't want to join...I understand...but PLEASE...want me to beg? *this is me getting on my knees* OH PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PRETTY PLEASE!


Kasey said...

That's my name...thats my job...official smile/cry maker :p

about lookin stellar...all in a days work :p

Juls4Him said...

So is Mandie coming back after the baby? She HAS to so we can see pics!

Momma Tammi said...

Love the pic Kasey! Gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

How come no one ever asks me for recipes? Hmmm....LOL!!!!!

Kasey said...

*sigh*....that was me..won't let me sign on with two names anymore!