Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!! They have been married for 36 years today! Wow, what an accomplishment and blessing from God!! I have great parents. I wish them a wonderful day!

My five year anniversary is next Friday. I am sad in that Damon isn't here for us to celebrate together. I loved/love that man! He was my perfect wonderful gift from God and I miss him dearly. But, I am so happy for him that he is truly free and happy. Jesus took death captive the day he died for each one of us, so Damon is most assuredly ALIVE in Christ this very moment. That is comforting.

I started getting back into a routine yesterday. I need to start going to bed earlier so I can get up earlier. I believe I was in bed and asleep before 11pm last night, woohoo! I even got up on my own without an alarm this morning, earlier than normal. I will continue trying to get to sleep earlier and wake up earlier. My goal is in bed by 9:30 and asleep by 10, and up by 6:15-6:30. I am so not a morning person, but I have found I must get my sleep then I can get up decently. I have a lot to get accomplished in the mornings before I leave for work so I need that extra time and can't be sleeping in. I am thinking my hours are going to be 9-6, not sure yet though. Speaking of work...pray for me, I am in orientation this week, and on Thursday and Friday I am getting about 2.5 hours each day for my actual job training because I am going to be mostly on my own come Monday. So I am thinking I am going to be thrown in and expected to swim. Which isn't a bad thing, and I have found is the best way I learn. HOWEVER, it doesn't make it any less nerve wracking and stressful. As I go further on with the orientation and realize the scope of what this company does for people, I feel less and less capable. So inadequate. But, I again think, that God GAVE ME this job. I searched and searched and searched, and my prayer has been God please only open the door You would have for me. I feel that totally happened with this job. They seem like a good group, who cares for one another and a great atmosphere, but more importantly they LOVE truly LOVE what they do. It is a labor of love, completely. So in all that, even though I fight these feelings of not being good enough to handle it the job, I try to remember how God has placed me there and opened this door for me. I must continue to remember if HE put me there then HE will make a way for me to do a WONDERFUL job by His grace and mercy. Just pray for me to do well, and remember that I can do all things THROUGH Christ.

I love yall, and please continue to pray for my friend and her family.


Jessa Stephens said...

Awwwww WOW 5 years! I about cried........Congrats to your parents!

Oh! I'm SO not a morning person eather....it's torture. Good for you for getting yourself ready to get up early!

I'll be prayinf ro you and your knoew job. Your right God put you there, so He isn't going to let you fail. =)