Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Small Bathroom With...

...Me, Emily, Honey, Tigger, and Jr.

I am thankful to the Lord Emily stayed the night last night. We were watching a moving when I heard this nagging ring. I put the tv on mute. The tornado siren was going off in Old Hickory. We turned the movie off and turned on the news. I can't tell you how many times that siren went off last night. We spent probably an hour or so (off and on) in the bathroom, as it is the only room with no windows. She was in the tub on a quilt, and I was on the floor with a quilt, both cats and honey were all chilling out. I had a candle going just in case. We prayed and I called a few people to pray. We are safe thank the Lord. Pray for the families this morning, who have lost their loved ones.

Thanks for all ofyour prayers about yesterday, everything went fairly well at the doc.

I need to get off here, and go to work.


Amanda Bull said...

We were in the bathroom last night, too. Caleb slept on the rug!

Grace & Co said...

I'm so glad you all were safe! I was praying all night and all morning.