Thursday, March 02, 2006


I am soooo wore out. Starting at 11:45 Tuesday night I puked every 1.5-2 hours for a total of 6 trips to the garbage basket. The last time I puked was around 8:30 wednesday morning. *sigh* It was awful. I was coming and going from both ends (not to be gross) and you know when you have a dream and you can see yourself but your outside of your body. Thats me right now. In a total daze. Was in bed literally all day with the exception of about 30mins on the couch. I just got the nerve up to eat some oatmeal. First thing I have eaten since Tuesday. My back is sore from bottom to mid back, I guess from puking. My stomach is sore. I am so tired. That was my day yesterday. I think I need a nap now.


Kasey said...

i missed yesterday, and I cant miss today too. I don't have sick time and my boss was ready for me to be back.

Kasey said...

it wouldn't have been so bad, but it was billing and we had a special visitor coming to do inventory here. I just took a nap.