Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Damon has two really big side jobs going on right now. Lots of $$$$ all going towards bills and prepaying taxes. Ahhh the life of an adult! Guess that statement may sound like we are in tons of debt...we aren't. Actually we are pretty good debt wise right now, THANK THE LORD!
Anyway..back to the side jobs. My hubby is a painter and aside from his regular job he paints on the side as hiw own business. The lady we painted for last night is the wife of Pete Drake...I don't know if you recognize that name, I plan to google it today. He was a big time country musician. He has passed, but she is letting the museum here in nashville display his gold and platinum records! He has like TONS! "most promising musician 1964" He has worked with olivia newton john, kenny rogers, bob dylon. It was amazing, thats my dream man! To have those records like that. Anyway, he passed away from emphazema. :(
Back to the side job again, why I am so tired...we didnt get home till after 10 pm after working a regular day.....bed time was after 11. THEN the neighbors decided to rev their engines for a half hour between the times of 2:30 am and 3:00. Guess who woke up to hear it all...yep, ME! GRRRRR

Todays gonna be pretty busy, not real motivated to work since my eyes are hurting me. me.

Rachel finally posted, wooohooo!

Guess what Kasey is doing this weekend, I was sposed tos pend the night with Morgan and Tammy during the men's retreat, well it got canceled. I knew morgan would be bummed, so I called her to see if I was still coming but expecting not to cus I thought Tammy would want to spend time with Steve since he was going to be home. I got an email....I'm spending the night Friday, and then it's Rachel on Saturday. Truly a girls weekend! Damon is getting kicked out and sent to Brads! All the while, I am remember that Morgan has a energizer in her back, and I am getting really tired just thinking about it...haha. Oh well, fun times! That girl is so me, cept skinny :P

Speaking of skinny, skinny people annoy me. Why must I be cursed with the fat?! lol...I know I know, My choice, but I truly think I am not meant to be a SKINNY person, cus I never really have been skinny, cept when I was little little. Oh well...I'm not fat...I am lusciously plump as damon calls it..mwaahahhaha *YEAH RIGHT* Gonna ride my bike since its so nice today!

Peace out yall, I need to work!